International Relations Archives - Bailey Purton

Australia vs USA: A Cultural, Economic, and Political Comparison

Cultural Differences Australia vs usa – Australia and the United States share a common language, but their cultures are distinct. These differences are due to a variety of factors, including their history, geography, and immigration patterns. One of the most striking differences between the two countries is their social customs. Australians are generally more laid-back … Read more

Delta Airlines Palestinian Flag Controversy: Navigating Freedom of Expression and Corporate Responsibility

Delta Airlines and Palestinian Flag Controversy Delta airlines palestinian flag – In May 2021, Delta Airlines became embroiled in a controversy over its decision to ban employees from wearing Palestinian flag pins. The incident sparked widespread outrage and accusations of discrimination, prompting the airline to reverse its policy. The controversy began when a Delta employee … Read more

Mexico vs. Brazil: A Rivalry of History, Culture, and Football Supremacy

Historical Rivalry and Cultural Similarities: Mexico Vs Brazil Mexico vs brazil – The rivalry between Mexico and Brazil is one of the most intense in international football. The two countries have met 40 times in official matches, with Brazil holding a 20-11-9 record. The rivalry is fueled by a number of factors, including historical, cultural, … Read more